Please, Linux is NOT an operating system!

"The system as a whole is basically the GNU system, with Linux added. When you're talking about this combination, please call it “GNU/Linux”." Richard Stallman I am writing this post because I see in almost everywhere people talking about Linux as an operating system. Linux is NOT an operating system. One day my rommate told … Continue reading Please, Linux is NOT an operating system!

An Overview of Anti-Forensics Techniques

   Protecting the sensitive data of a government or data protection in general has become, nowadays, a great challenge that faces the security architects around the world. The Moroccan government faced last year a lot of attacks from different parts. However, the  famous one is the “Leaks” of “Chris Coleman” who shared  some sensitive documents in … Continue reading An Overview of Anti-Forensics Techniques

Hackers are free people, just like artists!

For the third world countries, hackers are criminals regardless of how ethical they are. Hackers are not legally protected. They are treated as unwanted creatures who work against the country. For Morocco, hackers have been building a strong reputation around to globe as intelligent people who discovered bugs in famous platforms and attacked individuals or … Continue reading Hackers are free people, just like artists!

Privacy from a Moroccan Perspective

In 2015, an Italian company that sells hacking software such as Trojans and malwares was hacked by an anonymous team and leaked about four hundred gigabytes of data. Surprisingly, the leaked data contained the amount of money that Morocco spent on buying spyware from HackingTeam company. The Moroccan intelligent services spent around 3 million euros … Continue reading Privacy from a Moroccan Perspective

Cyber Security.. A Short History

Science is a differential equation. Religion is a boundary condition. - Sir. Alan Turing  ​Cyber security has become one of the hot topics that are discussed nowadays in different media. In the last five years, many articles were written about hackers that were arrested or banks that were attacked just with viruses and malwares. The … Continue reading Cyber Security.. A Short History

Editorial of “Problem C – Omar the Bus Driver” in CodeIT 2017

I proposed a problem called “Problem C – Omar the Bus Driver” which was on Scorify platform, and I would like to share its solution in this post. I am not that happy about it because the problem statement was ambiguous, and some cases were not consistent even if they will not change the output. … Continue reading Editorial of “Problem C – Omar the Bus Driver” in CodeIT 2017

Editorial of “Problem A – Mehdi and the Box” in CodeIT 2017

I proposed a problem called "Problem A - Mehdi and the Box" which was on Scorify platform, and I would like to share its simple solution in this post. I am very happy because it was a clear and all the contestants solved it. And the hero was my friend Mehdi Laziri. So, this problem was … Continue reading Editorial of “Problem A – Mehdi and the Box” in CodeIT 2017

The Essence of Programming Languages

In this article, an attempt is made to explain and summarize the concepts of programming languages and programming in general from my experience as a computer science student, a competitive programmer, and a back-end web developer. I will try to explain the theoretical concepts that I learned during my experience. As I mentioned, I do not … Continue reading The Essence of Programming Languages